1 ampliar los horizontes
(v.) = broaden + horizons, extend + horizons, enlarge + horizons, widen + horizons, expand + Posesivo + horizons, expand + viewsEx. The public library now has an opportunity to demonstrate its services in broadening individual horizons and stimulating development of community life.Ex. Library and information science schools must extend professional horizons, training professionals who will create new jobs.Ex. The growth of computerised bibliographic data bases in particular has enlarged horizons.Ex. Participation in IFLA's global network provides members with the opportunity to directly contact colleagues and experts, exchange experiences and expand views = La participación en la red global de la IFLA ofrece a los miembros la oportunidad de contactar directamente con compañeros y expertos, intercambiar experiencias y ampliar horizontes.* * *(v.) = broaden + horizons, extend + horizons, enlarge + horizons, widen + horizons, expand + Posesivo + horizons, expand + viewsEx: The public library now has an opportunity to demonstrate its services in broadening individual horizons and stimulating development of community life.
Ex: Library and information science schools must extend professional horizons, training professionals who will create new jobs.Ex: The growth of computerised bibliographic data bases in particular has enlarged horizons.Ex: Librarians must expand their service horizons to include at-risk teenagers.Ex: Participation in IFLA's global network provides members with the opportunity to directly contact colleagues and experts, exchange experiences and expand views = La participación en la red global de la IFLA ofrece a los miembros la oportunidad de contactar directamente con compañeros y expertos, intercambiar experiencias y ampliar horizontes. -
2 aumentar el conocimiento
(v.) = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awarenessEx. Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.* * *(v.) = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awarenessEx: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.
3 ampliar la experiencia
(v.) = extend + experience, broaden + experienceEx. Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.Ex. The scheme also offers participants the opportunity of broadening their professional experience.* * *(v.) = extend + experience, broaden + experienceEx: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.
Ex: The scheme also offers participants the opportunity of broadening their professional experience. -
4 ampliar el horizonte
(v.) = broaden + perspective, widen + the scopeEx. Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.Ex. That is why I have deliberately widened the scope of the book to include agencies other than libraries active in the field of community information in the countries concerned.* * *(v.) = broaden + perspective, widen + the scopeEx: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.
Ex: That is why I have deliberately widened the scope of the book to include agencies other than libraries active in the field of community information in the countries concerned. -
5 ensanchar los horizontes
(v.) = broaden + perspectiveEx. Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.* * *(v.) = broaden + perspectiveEx: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.
6 artista
f. & m.1 artist.es una artista en la cocina she is a superb cookartista gráfico graphic artistartista invitado guest artist2 artisan, artist, fine craftperson, crafty person.* * *1 artist\artista de cine film star* * *noun mf.* * *SMF1) (Arte) artist2) (Teat, Cine) artist, artisteartista de cine — film actor/film actress
artista de teatro — actor/actress
artista de variedades — variety artist o artiste
artista invitado/a — guest artist o artiste
3) * (=persona hábil)* * *masculino y femenino1) (Arte) artistuna artista de cine — a movie star (AmE) o (BrE) film star
* * *= artist, performer, performing artist, artiste, entertainer.Ex. Single personal authorship includes writers of books, composers of music, compilers of bibliographies, cartographers, artist, photographers, and, in certain cases, performers of sound recordings, films and videorecordings.Ex. The storyteller has in fact to be something of a showman, a performer, before he gets anywhere.Ex. Performing artist and radio show host Ian Whitcomb expresses his misgivings over donating his popular music collection to libraries.Ex. An artiste is a person who practices the performing arts; for example, a singer, a circus performer, dancer, magician, etc.Ex. Authors, politicians and entertainers were asked how libraries have helped expand their horizons.----* artista ambulante = travelling entertainer.* artista callejero = busker.* artista creativo = creative artist.* artista de teatro = theatre artiste.* artista residente = artist in residence.* círculo de artistas = artists' circle.* entrada de artistas = stage door.* libro de artista = livre d'artiste, artist's book.* salida de artistas = stage door.* * *masculino y femenino1) (Arte) artistuna artista de cine — a movie star (AmE) o (BrE) film star
* * *= artist, performer, performing artist, artiste, entertainer.Ex: Single personal authorship includes writers of books, composers of music, compilers of bibliographies, cartographers, artist, photographers, and, in certain cases, performers of sound recordings, films and videorecordings.
Ex: The storyteller has in fact to be something of a showman, a performer, before he gets anywhere.Ex: Performing artist and radio show host Ian Whitcomb expresses his misgivings over donating his popular music collection to libraries.Ex: An artiste is a person who practices the performing arts; for example, a singer, a circus performer, dancer, magician, etc.Ex: Authors, politicians and entertainers were asked how libraries have helped expand their horizons.* artista ambulante = travelling entertainer.* artista callejero = busker.* artista creativo = creative artist.* artista de teatro = theatre artiste.* artista residente = artist in residence.* círculo de artistas = artists' circle.* entrada de artistas = stage door.* libro de artista = livre d'artiste, artist's book.* salida de artistas = stage door.* * *A1 (pintor, escultor) artist2 ( fam) (persona habilidosa) artistes un artista para la costura he's an expert o a real artist with a needle and thread, he's a deft hand ( AmE) o ( BrE) dab hand at sewing ( colloq)decenas de artistas famosos dozens of stars, dozens of famous artistsCompuestos:masculine and feminine variety artist● artista invitado, artista invitadamasculine, feminine guest artist* * *
artista sustantivo masculino y femeninoa) (Arte) artist
( actriz) actress;
(cantante, músico) artist;◊ una artista de cine a movie star (AmE) o (BrE) film star
artista mf artist
' artista' also found in these entries:
- cachet
- desafiar
- invitada
- invitado
- madera
- paleta
- proteger
- representante
- supuesta
- supuesto
- tabla
- taller
- taquillera
- taquillero
- apadrinar
- artífice
- bohemio
- comprometer
- consagrado
- consagrar
- contratar
- descubrir
- destacado
- estudio
- nato
- pegar
- potencia
- reaparición
- relación
- surrealista
- artist
- budding
- entertainer
- fan
- mime
- natural
- notable
- pavement artist
- portfolio
- smock
- stripper
- studio
- known
- performer
* * *artista nmf1. [creador] artist;los grandes artistas del siglo the great artists of the 20th centuryartista gráfico graphic artist2. [de teatro, circo] artiste;[cantante] artist;un artista de cine a movie actorartista invitado guest artist;artista de variedades cabaret artistes un artista arreglando televisores he's got a real knack for fixing televisions, Br he's a dab hand at fixing televisions* * *m/f artist;artista de circo circus performer* * *artista nmf1) : artist2) actor, actriz: actor, actress f* * *artista n artist -
7 bibliotecario de las ciencias de la salud
(n.) = health sciences librarianEx. Today's health sciences librarians have been challenged to expand their traditional role as the keepers and cataloguers of medical information.* * *(n.) = health sciences librarianEx: Today's health sciences librarians have been challenged to expand their traditional role as the keepers and cataloguers of medical information.
Spanish-English dictionary > bibliotecario de las ciencias de la salud
8 deforestación
f.deforestation.* * *1 deforestation* * ** * *femenino deforestation* * *Ex. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.* * *femenino deforestation* * *Ex: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.
* * *deforestation* * *
deforestación sustantivo femenino
deforestación, desforestación sustantivo femenino deforestation: la deforestación de la Amazonia es un grave problema ecológico, the deforestation of the Amazon is a serious ecological problem
' deforestación' also found in these entries:
* * *deforestation* * *f deforestation* * * -
9 desertización
f.desertization, progressive conversion into a desert.* * *1 desertification* * *SF1) [de terreno] desertification2) (=despoblación) depopulation* * *femenino desertification* * *Ex. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.* * *femenino desertification* * *Ex: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.
* * *desertification* * *
desertización sustantivo femenino
desertización sustantivo femenino desertification
* * *[del terreno] desertification; [de la población] depopulation* * *f desertification -
10 florista
f. & m.1 florist.2 flower seller, florist.3 maker of artificial flowers.4 flower girl.* * *1 florist* * *SMF florist* * *masculino y femenino florist* * *= florist.Ex. This book is intended for florists who want to expand their knowledge of techniques for extending the vase life of cut flowers.* * *masculino y femenino florist* * *= florist.Ex: This book is intended for florists who want to expand their knowledge of techniques for extending the vase life of cut flowers.
* * *florist* * *
florista sustantivo masculino y femenino
florista mf florist
' florista' also found in these entries:
- flower girl
* * *florista nmfflorist* * *m/f florist* * *florista nmf: florist* * *florista n florist -
11 floristería
1 florist's (shop)* * ** * *femenino florist's, flower shop* * *= florist.Ex. This book is intended for florists who want to expand their knowledge of techniques for extending the vase life of cut flowers.* * *femenino florist's, flower shop* * *= florist.Ex: This book is intended for florists who want to expand their knowledge of techniques for extending the vase life of cut flowers.
* * *florist's, flower shop* * *
floristería sustantivo femenino
florist's, flower shop
floristería sustantivo femenino florist's (shop)
' floristería' also found in these entries:
* * *floristería nfflorist's (shop)* * *f florist’s, flower shop* * *floristería n florist's -
12 lluvia
f.1 rain.caía una lluvia torrencial there was torrential rainla época de lluvias the rainy seasonbajo la lluvia in the rainlluvia ácida acid rainlluvia de estrellas shower of shooting starslluvia radiactiva (nuclear) fallout2 shower.* * *1 rain2 figurado shower, barrage\lluvia ácida acid rainlluvia de estrellas meteor shower* * *noun f.1) rain2) shower* * *SF1) (Meteo) rain; (=cantidad) rainfallla lluvia caída en el mes de enero — the rainfall in January, the January rainfall
lluvia de estrellas fugaces, lluvia de meteoros — meteor shower
lluvia de oro — (Bot) laburnum
lluvia menuda — drizzle, fine rain
2) (=abundancia) [de balas, misiles] hail; [de insultos] stream, barrage; [de regalos] shower; [de infortunios] string3) [de insecticida, laca] spray; [de regadera] rose4) Cono Sur (=ducha) shower, shower bath* * *a) (Meteo) raincaía una lluvia menuda or fina — it was drizzling
b) ( de balas) hail; ( de críticas) hail, barrage* * *= rain, shower, rainfall.Ex. Instead of going to his desk, he proceeded to the window and lingered there idly watching the rain spatter on the pavement outside.Ex. A typical days weather is sunny, with the occasional light shower so pack some rainwear.Ex. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.----* activado por la lluvia = rain-sensing.* agua de lluvia = rain water.* cancelar debido a la lluvia = rain out, wash out.* cancelar por la lluv = rain out.* cancelar por la lluvia = wash out.* detector de lluvia = rain-sensing.* día de lluvia = rainy day.* época de lluvias = rainy season.* estación de lluvias = rainy season.* estación de lluvias, la = wet season, the.* fuertes lluvias = heavy rain.* gota de lluvia = raindrop.* hacedor de lluvia = rainmaker.* impermeable para la lluvia = rainwear.* lluvia a cántaros = pouring rain.* lluvia ácida = acid rain.* lluvia de balas = hail of bullets.* lluvia de meteoritos = meteorite shower.* lluvia estacional = seasonal rain.* lluvia helada = freezing rain.* lluvia intensa = heavy rain.* lluvia monzónica = monsoon rain.* lluvia nieve = freezing rain.* lluvia racheada = wind-driven rain, lashing rain.* lluvia radiactiva = nuclear fallout, fallout.* lluvia radiactiva, lluvia radioactiva, radiación nuclear = fallout.* lluvia radioactiva = nuclear fallout, fallout.* lluvia torrencial = pouring rain, torrential rain.* mezcla de lluvia helada y aguanieve = wint(e)ry mix, wint(e)ry shower.* período de lluvia = wet spell.* proteger de la lluvia = keep + the rain out.* resistente a la lluvia = showerproof.* sensor de lluvia = rain-sensing.* suspender debido a la lluvia = rain out, wash out.* suspender por la lluvia = rain out, wash out.* vestimenta apropiada para la lluvia = raingear.* * *a) (Meteo) raincaía una lluvia menuda or fina — it was drizzling
b) ( de balas) hail; ( de críticas) hail, barrage* * *= rain, shower, rainfall.Ex: Instead of going to his desk, he proceeded to the window and lingered there idly watching the rain spatter on the pavement outside.
Ex: A typical days weather is sunny, with the occasional light shower so pack some rainwear.Ex: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.* activado por la lluvia = rain-sensing.* agua de lluvia = rain water.* cancelar debido a la lluvia = rain out, wash out.* cancelar por la lluv = rain out.* cancelar por la lluvia = wash out.* detector de lluvia = rain-sensing.* día de lluvia = rainy day.* época de lluvias = rainy season.* estación de lluvias = rainy season.* estación de lluvias, la = wet season, the.* fuertes lluvias = heavy rain.* gota de lluvia = raindrop.* hacedor de lluvia = rainmaker.* impermeable para la lluvia = rainwear.* lluvia a cántaros = pouring rain.* lluvia ácida = acid rain.* lluvia de balas = hail of bullets.* lluvia de meteoritos = meteorite shower.* lluvia estacional = seasonal rain.* lluvia helada = freezing rain.* lluvia intensa = heavy rain.* lluvia monzónica = monsoon rain.* lluvia nieve = freezing rain.* lluvia racheada = wind-driven rain, lashing rain.* lluvia radiactiva = nuclear fallout, fallout.* lluvia radiactiva, lluvia radioactiva, radiación nuclear = fallout.* lluvia radioactiva = nuclear fallout, fallout.* lluvia torrencial = pouring rain, torrential rain.* mezcla de lluvia helada y aguanieve = wint(e)ry mix, wint(e)ry shower.* período de lluvia = wet spell.* proteger de la lluvia = keep + the rain out.* resistente a la lluvia = showerproof.* sensor de lluvia = rain-sensing.* suspender debido a la lluvia = rain out, wash out.* suspender por la lluvia = rain out, wash out.* vestimenta apropiada para la lluvia = raingear.* * *A1 ( Meteo) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] rainun día de lluvia a rainy o wet daylluvias torrenciales torrential raincaía una lluvia menuda or fina it was drizzlingla estación de las lluvias the rainy seasones una zona de mucha lluvia it's an area of heavy o high rainfall, it's a very rainy area2 (de balas) hail; (de críticas) hail, barragefue saludada con una lluvia de flores when she appeared she was showered with flowersCompuestos:acid rainmeteor shower● lluvia nuclear or radiactivanuclear fallout* * *
lluvia sustantivo femeninoa) (Meteo) rain;
zonas de mucha lluvia areas of heavy rainfall;
lluvia radiactiva nuclear fallout
( de críticas) hail, barrage
lluvia sustantivo femenino rain
lluvia acida, acid rain
lluvia de estrellas, star shower
una lluvia de felicitaciones, a shower of congratulations
' lluvia' also found in these entries:
- escorrentía
- falta
- gota
- gracia
- inoportuna
- inoportuno
- jorobar
- martillear
- pertinaz
- precipitación
- protegerse
- resbalar
- resguardarse
- torrencial
- abrigo
- agua
- amainar
- amenazar
- borrar
- ceder
- con
- copioso
- cubierto
- desprevenido
- diluvio
- fino
- fuerte
- golpear
- golpeteo
- intermitente
- oportuno
- proteger
- refugiar
- refugio
- repiquetear
- repiqueteo
- resguardar
- seguir
- sorprender
acid rain
- beat
- beat down
- because
- brainstorm
- come down
- come on
- deal
- deluge
- drench
- driving
- fall
- fallout
- hail of bullets
- heavy
- icy
- in
- incessant
- lash
- moderate
- outpouring
- rain
- rain off
- raindrop
- rainstorm
- set in
- shower
- spot
- steady
- teem
- wet
- acid
- catch
- drainage
- hail
- pouring
- spit
- wellington (boot)
* * *lluvia nf1. [precipitación] rain;caía una lluvia torrencial there was torrential rain;la época de lluvias the rainy season;la falta de lluvias ha dañado la cosecha the lack of rain o low rainfall has damaged the crops;bajo la lluvia in the rainlluvias de abril April showers;lluvia ácida acid rain;lluvia artificial artificial rain;lluvia de cenizas shower of ash;lluvia de estrellas shower of shooting stars;lluvia de meteoritos meteor shower;lluvia radiactiva (nuclear) fallout2. [de panfletos, regalos] shower;[de preguntas] barrage3. CAm, CSur [ducha] shower* * *f1 rain* * *lluvia nf1) : rain, rainfall2) : barrage, shower* * *lluvia n rain -
13 precipitaciones
(n.) = rainfallEx. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.* * *(n.) = rainfallEx: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.
* * *precipitaciones npl rainfall -
14 ribera
f.bank.la ribera del Ebro the banks of the Ebro* * *1 (de río) bank2 (del mar) shore, seashore3 (tierra cercana a un río) riverside, waterfront* * *noun f.* * *SF1) [de río, lago] bank; [del mar] beach, shore; (=área) riverside2) (Agr) irrigated plain* * *a) (Geog, Náut) ( orilla - de río) bank; (- de lago, mar) shoreb) ( vega) strand, riverside* * *= shoreline, bank, riverfront, riverbank [river bank], waterside, river bank [riverbank].Ex. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.Ex. This article describes the planning, construction and design of a library on the banks of the Missouri River close to Kansas City.Ex. With its riverfront orientation and steps leading down to the esplanade, the library evokes a Greek devotional temple.Ex. They use a mobile floating library to serve riverbank communities.Ex. An opening reception will be held in the Grand Promenade of the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside, overlooking the picturesque Norfolk Harbor.Ex. People grow food in allotments and on high-rise rooftops, on river banks and roadside verges, in parks and market gardens and any piece of wasteland they can find.----* ribera de río = river bank [riverbank].* ribera de un lago = lakefront.* * *a) (Geog, Náut) ( orilla - de río) bank; (- de lago, mar) shoreb) ( vega) strand, riverside* * *= shoreline, bank, riverfront, riverbank [river bank], waterside, river bank [riverbank].Ex: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.
Ex: This article describes the planning, construction and design of a library on the banks of the Missouri River close to Kansas City.Ex: With its riverfront orientation and steps leading down to the esplanade, the library evokes a Greek devotional temple.Ex: They use a mobile floating library to serve riverbank communities.Ex: An opening reception will be held in the Grand Promenade of the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside, overlooking the picturesque Norfolk Harbor.Ex: People grow food in allotments and on high-rise rooftops, on river banks and roadside verges, in parks and market gardens and any piece of wasteland they can find.* ribera de río = river bank [riverbank].* ribera de un lago = lakefront.* * *2 (vega) strand, riversidese cultiva en la ribera del Ebro it is grown along the banks of the Ebro* * *
ribera sustantivo femenino
(— de lago, mar) shore
ribera sustantivo femenino
1 (de río) bank
(del mar) shore
2 (franja de tierra a orillas de un río) riverside
(del mar) seaside
3 (vega) fertile plain
' ribera' also found in these entries:
- riverbank
- river
- shore
* * *ribera nf1. [orilla] [de río] bank;[de lago, mar] shore2. [vega] fertile plain;la ribera del Ebro the banks of the Ebro* * *f shore, bank* * *ribera nf: bank, shore* * * -
15 tala de árboles
(n.) = deforestation, wood cuttingEx. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.Ex. The vegetation of this nature reserve is only affected to smaller degrees by grazing and wood cutting due to geographical factors limiting access.* * *(n.) = deforestation, wood cuttingEx: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.
Ex: The vegetation of this nature reserve is only affected to smaller degrees by grazing and wood cutting due to geographical factors limiting access. -
16 costa
f.1 coast (litoral).pasan las vacaciones en la costa they spend their holidays on the coastla costa Azul the Côte d'Azurla costa Brava the Costa Brava2 cost.* * *1 FINANZAS cost, price1 DERECHO costs\a toda costa at all costs, at any pricecondenar a costas to order to cover the costspagar las costas to pay costs————————■ tenemos una casa en la costa we have a house at the seaside, US we have a house on the shore* * *noun f.coast, shore* * *ISF1)a costa de algo/algn: nos estuvimos riendo a costa suya — we had a laugh at his expense
quiere quedarse en el poder a costa de lo que sea — he wants to remain in power at all costs o no matter what o whatever happens
hay que impedir a toda costa que esto se repita — we must prevent this from happening again at all costs
2) pl costas (Jur) costsIISF1) (Geog) [del mar] coast2) (Náut) shore* * *1) (Geog)a) ( del mar - área) coast; (- perfil) coastline2) (en locs)a costa de: lo terminó a costa de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to finish it; a costa mía/de los demás at my/other people's expense; a toda costa or a costa de lo que sea — at all costs
3) costas femenino plural (Der) costs (pl)* * *1) (Geog)a) ( del mar - área) coast; (- perfil) coastline2) (en locs)a costa de: lo terminó a costa de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to finish it; a costa mía/de los demás at my/other people's expense; a toda costa or a costa de lo que sea — at all costs
3) costas femenino plural (Der) costs (pl)* * *costa11 = coast, shore, coastline, shoreline, seaboard, seafront, littoral, sea-coast.Ex: I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West coast.
Ex: The author chronicles the Russian geographical explorations of the northwestern shores of North Americas which were financed and organized by Count Nikolai Rumiantsev from 1803 to 1825 = El autor narra las expediciones geográficas rusas de la costa del noroeste de Norteamérica que fueron financiadas y organizadas por el Conde Nikolai Rumiantsev de 1803 a 1825.Ex: The department has undertaken studies of dinosaurs from material excavated on the Victorian coastline.Ex: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.Ex: This article reports on a workshop and subsequent visits to library schools on the eastern seaboard of the USA.Ex: Side-effects on the environment include beaches losing sand because of seafront embankments, littoral dunes deteriorating and marinas becoming silted.Ex: Abandonment of the region -- except for the littoral -- followed in the second half of the first millennium.Ex: Esculent nests are principally found in Java, in caverns that are most frequently, though not always, found on the sea-coast.* a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.* bordear la costa = coast.* Costa de Marfil = Ivory Coast, the.* costa marítima = sea-coast.* costa mediterránea, la = Mediterranean coast, the.* Costa Rica = Costa Rica.* de costa a costa = coast-to-coast.* en la costa = at the seaside.* navegar siguiendo la costa = coast.* sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].costa2* a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.* a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.* a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.* a costa de otros = at other people's expense.* a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.* a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.* los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.* * *A ( Geog)1(del mar): una costa muy accidentada a very rugged coastlinea lo largo de la costa atlántica along the Atlantic coastveranean en la costa they spend their summers on the coastla Costa Azul the Côte d'AzurB ( en locs):a costa de: lo terminó a costa de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to finish ita costa de los demás at other people's expense¡ya está bien de reírse a costa mía! all right, you've had enough laughs at my expense!triunfó a costa de su matrimonio she succeeded at the expense of her marriagea toda costa or a costa de lo que sea: tengo que terminarlo hoy a toda costa I must finish it today at all costs o whatever happens o no matter whatcondenar a algn en costas to order sb to pay costs* * *
costa sustantivo femenino
1 (Geog) ( del mar — área) coast;
(— perfil) coastline;
la costa atlántica the Atlantic coast
2 ( en locs)◊ a costa de: lo terminó a costa de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to finish it;
a costa mía/de los demás at my/other people's expense;
a toda costa at all costs
I sustantivo femenino coast
(litoral) coastline
(playa) beach, seaside, US shore
II costas fpl Jur costs
♦ Locuciones: vive a nuestra costa, he lives off us
a costa de, at the expense of
a toda costa, at all costs, at any price
' costa' also found in these entries:
- colón
- Costa de Marfil
- Costa Rica
- costarricense
- costarriqueña
- costarriqueño
- destellar
- escollera
- faro
- flotante
- lengua
- notoria
- notorio
- accidentado
- bordear
- este
- mar
- muelle
- norte
- oeste
- orillar
- recorrer
- relieve
- sur
- tico
chase down
- coast
- coastline
- cost
- Costa Rica
- Costa Rican
- expense
- flourishing
- from
- Ivory Coast
- joke
- offshore
- price
- process
- regardless
- scrounge
- sea
- seaboard
- seaside
- shore
- some
- sponge off
- sponge on
- yacht
- allow
- down
- inshore
- ivory
- lie
- live
- off
- right
- Riviera
* * *costa nf1. [marina] coast;pasan las vacaciones en la costa they spend their holidays on the coastla Costa Azul the Côte d'Azurlo hizo a costa de grandes esfuerzos he did it by dint of much effort;aún vive a costa de sus padres he's still living off his parents;a toda costa at all costsDer costas (judiciales) (legal) costs3. Costa de Marfil Ivory Coast;Costa Rica Costa Rica* * *1 f:a costa de at the expense of;a toda costa at all costs2 f GEOG coast* * *costa nf1) : coast, shore2) : costa toda costa: at all costs* * *costa n coast -
17 costa1
1 = coast, shore, coastline, shoreline, seaboard, seafront, littoral, sea-coast.Ex. I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West coast.Ex. The author chronicles the Russian geographical explorations of the northwestern shores of North Americas which were financed and organized by Count Nikolai Rumiantsev from 1803 to 1825 = El autor narra las expediciones geográficas rusas de la costa del noroeste de Norteamérica que fueron financiadas y organizadas por el Conde Nikolai Rumiantsev de 1803 a 1825.Ex. The department has undertaken studies of dinosaurs from material excavated on the Victorian coastline.Ex. This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.Ex. This article reports on a workshop and subsequent visits to library schools on the eastern seaboard of the USA.Ex. Side-effects on the environment include beaches losing sand because of seafront embankments, littoral dunes deteriorating and marinas becoming silted.Ex. Abandonment of the region -- except for the littoral -- followed in the second half of the first millennium.Ex. Esculent nests are principally found in Java, in caverns that are most frequently, though not always, found on the sea-coast.----* a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.* bordear la costa = coast.* Costa de Marfil = Ivory Coast, the.* costa marítima = sea-coast.* costa mediterránea, la = Mediterranean coast, the.* Costa Rica = Costa Rica.* de costa a costa = coast-to-coast.* en la costa = at the seaside.* navegar siguiendo la costa = coast.* sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked]. -
18 Leclerc, centres
One of the biggest of the French hypermarket chains. TheCentres Leclerc enjoy a reputation for low prices and good quality, and have led many campaigns in favour of the right of retail distribution chains to expand their activities, for example by opening up in-store chemists counters. The group was the first retail distributor to bid for, and obtain, concessions for motorway service stations in France.Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Leclerc, centres
19 ampliar
v.1 to expand.2 to enlarge, to blow up (photography).La máquina amplió la fotografía The machine enlarged the photograph.3 to further, to continue (estudios).4 to increase, to augment, to amplify, to enlarge.Su estrategia amplía las posibilidades His strategy increases the...* * *1 to enlarge, extend2 ARQUITECTURA to build an extension onto3 (fotografía) to enlarge4 (capital) to increase5 (estudios) to further6 (tema, idea) to develop, expand on* * *verb1) to expand, extend2) enlarge3) widen* * *1. VT1) [en tamaño] to extendqueremos ampliar el salón — we want to extend the living room, we want to make the living room bigger
lee mucho para ampliar su vocabulario — he reads a lot in order to extend o expand his vocabulary
2) [en número] to increaseno ampliarán la plantilla — they are not going to increase o expand the headcount o the payroll
3) [+ prórroga, período] to extendhan ampliado el plazo de matrícula — they have put back the closing date for enrolment, they have extended the period for enrolment
4) (Fot) to enlarge5) (Com) [+ empresa, compañía] to expand, grow; [+ capital] to increasedeseamos ampliar el campo de acción de la empresa — we want to extend o expand o broaden the company's area of business
6) [+ sonido] to amplify7) [+ idea, explicación] to elaborate on8) [+ poderes] to extend, widen2.See:* * *verbo transitivoa) <local/carretera> to extend; < negocio> to expandb) <capital/plantilla> to increasec) <conocimientos/vocabulario> to increase; < explicación> to expand (on); < campo de acción> to widen, broadend) <plazo/período> to extende) < fotografía> to enlarge, blow up* * *= augment, broaden, elaborate on, expand, extend, magnify, widen, add to, amplify, aggrandise [aggrandize, -USA].Ex. These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.Ex. The program's purpose is to enable U.S. librarians and publishers to enrich and broaden their career experience through a short period of overseas service.Ex. The documents cited may support and provide precedent for, illustrate or elaborate on what the author has to say.Ex. As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.Ex. The term author is normally extended to include writers, illustrator, performers, producers, translators, and others with some intellectual or artistic responsibility for a work.Ex. More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.Ex. The quality of machine indexing can be enhanced by widening the indexing field.Ex. In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.Ex. The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.Ex. He established Samarkand as his imperial capital in the 1360s and set about aggrandising it with plunder from his conquests.----* ampliar el alcance de = extend + the reach of.* ampliar el conocimiento = widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.* ampliar el horario de apertura = extend + hours.* ampliar el horizonte = broaden + perspective, widen + the scope.* ampliar el interés = broaden + interest.* ampliar la cobertura = broaden + coverage, broaden + the scope.* ampliar la experiencia = extend + experience, broaden + experience.* ampliar las fronteras de = push + the frontiers of, push + the boundaries of.* ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.* ampliar los horizontes = broaden + horizons, extend + horizons, enlarge + horizons, widen + horizons, expand + Posesivo + horizons, expand + views.* ampliar los recursos = broaden + resources.* ampliar + Posesivo + educación = extend + Posesivo + education.* ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.* ampliar una fotografía = enlarge + picture.* * *verbo transitivoa) <local/carretera> to extend; < negocio> to expandb) <capital/plantilla> to increasec) <conocimientos/vocabulario> to increase; < explicación> to expand (on); < campo de acción> to widen, broadend) <plazo/período> to extende) < fotografía> to enlarge, blow up* * *= augment, broaden, elaborate on, expand, extend, magnify, widen, add to, amplify, aggrandise [aggrandize, -USA].Ex: These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.
Ex: The program's purpose is to enable U.S. librarians and publishers to enrich and broaden their career experience through a short period of overseas service.Ex: The documents cited may support and provide precedent for, illustrate or elaborate on what the author has to say.Ex: As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.Ex: The term author is normally extended to include writers, illustrator, performers, producers, translators, and others with some intellectual or artistic responsibility for a work.Ex: More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.Ex: The quality of machine indexing can be enhanced by widening the indexing field.Ex: In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.Ex: The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.Ex: He established Samarkand as his imperial capital in the 1360s and set about aggrandising it with plunder from his conquests.* ampliar el alcance de = extend + the reach of.* ampliar el conocimiento = widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.* ampliar el horario de apertura = extend + hours.* ampliar el horizonte = broaden + perspective, widen + the scope.* ampliar el interés = broaden + interest.* ampliar la cobertura = broaden + coverage, broaden + the scope.* ampliar la experiencia = extend + experience, broaden + experience.* ampliar las fronteras de = push + the frontiers of, push + the boundaries of.* ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.* ampliar los horizontes = broaden + horizons, extend + horizons, enlarge + horizons, widen + horizons, expand + Posesivo + horizons, expand + views.* ampliar los recursos = broaden + resources.* ampliar + Posesivo + educación = extend + Posesivo + education.* ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.* ampliar una fotografía = enlarge + picture.* * *vt1 ‹local/carretera› to extend; ‹negocio› to expand2 ‹capital/plantilla› to increase3 ‹conocimientos/vocabulario› to increase, improve; ‹explicación› to expand (on); ‹campo de acción› to widen, broaden, extenduna versión ampliada y corregida an expanded and corrected versionpara ampliar sus estudios to further her studiesquiere ampliar sus horizontes he wants to broaden his horizons4 ‹plazo/período› to extend5 ‹fotografía› to enlarge, blow up* * *
ampliar ( conjugate ampliar) verbo transitivo
‹ negocio› to expand
‹ explicación› to expand (on);
‹ campo de acción› to widen, broaden;
ampliar verbo transitivo
1 (hacer más largo un plazo) to extend
2 (hacer más grande un edificio) to enlarge
3 (extender un negocio) to expand
4 (una fotografía) to enlarge, to blow up
5 (el campo de acción) to widen: los sindicatos proponen ampliar las sanciones a los defraudadores, the unions propose greater penalties for those committing fraud
' ampliar' also found in these entries:
- extender
- refacción
- blow up
- enlarge
- expand
- expand on
- extend
- magnify
- widen
- add
- blow
- broaden
- develop
- push
* * *ampliar vt1. [negocio] to expand;han ampliado el servicio a todo el país they have extended the service to cover the whole country;van a ampliar el catálogo de productos they are going to expand o extend their product range;ampliarán la plantilla del banco they are going to take on additional staff at the bank, they are going to increase staff numbers at the bank;no quieren ampliar más la Unión Europea they don't want to enlarge the European Union any further2. [local, vivienda] to extend;[aeropuerto] to expand;queremos ampliar el salón we want to make the living-room bigger4. [plazo] to extend5. [fotografía] to enlarge, to blow up;[fotocopia] to enlarge6. [estudios] to further, to continue;[conocimientos] to increase, to expand* * *v/tampliar estudios continue one’s education;ampliar sus horizontes broaden one’s horizons2 FOT enlarge, blow up* * *ampliar {85} vt1) : to expand, to extend2) : to widen3) : to enlarge (photographs)4) : to elaborate on, to develop (ideas)* * *ampliar vb1. (edificio, plazo) to extend2. (negocio, mercado) to expand3. (número, cantidad) to increase4. (una foto) to enlarge -
20 conocimiento
m.1 knowledge.hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doingponer algo en conocimiento de alguien to bring something to somebody's attention, to inform somebody of somethingtener conocimiento de algo to be aware of somethingha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy2 consciousness (sentido, conciencia).perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousnessestaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor3 awareness, consciousness, cognizance.* * *2 (sensatez) good sense3 (conciencia) consciousness\con conocimiento de causa with full knowledge of the factsperder el conocimiento to lose consciousnessponer algo en conocimiento de alguien to make something known to somebody, inform somebody of somethingrecobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness, come roundtener conocimiento de algo to know about something* * *noun m.1) knowledge* * *SM1) (=saber) knowledgeconocimientos — (=nociones) knowledge sing
mis pocos conocimientos de filosofía/cocina — my limited knowledge of philosophy/cookery
2) (=información) knowledgeel encuentro tuvo lugar sin conocimiento público — the meeting took place without the public's knowledge
dar conocimiento de algo, dimos conocimiento del robo a la policía — we informed the police about the robbery•
llegar a conocimiento de algn — to come to sb's attention o notice•
tener conocimiento de algo, aún no tenemos conocimiento de su detención — we still do not know that he has been arrestedse les informó al tenerse conocimiento del suceso — they were informed as soon as it was known what had happened
desea ponerlo en conocimiento público — he wants it brought to the public's attention, he wishes it to be made public
el Ministro ha puesto en conocimiento del rey su decisión — the minister has informed the king of his decision
conocimiento de causa, hacer algo con conocimiento de causa — to be fully aware of what one is doing
3) (=consciencia) consciousnessrecobrar o recuperar el conocimiento — to regain consciousness
4) (=sentido común) common sense5) (Jur) cognizance frm6) (Com)* * *1)a) ( saber) knowledgeb) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge2) (frml) ( información)dar conocimiento de algo a alguien — to inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something
pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...
llegar a conocimiento de alguien — to come to somebody's attention o notice (frml)
con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about
3) ( sentido) consciousnessperder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness
4) ( entendimiento)aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand
* * *= cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.Ex. The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.Ex. SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.Ex. Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.Ex. Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.Ex. Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.Ex. The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.Ex. The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex. It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.Ex. It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.Ex. We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.Ex. The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.Ex. This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.Ex. For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.----* actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.* adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.* ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.* ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.* análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.* análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.* aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.* área de conocimiento = area of study.* área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.* aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.* aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.* bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.* basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.* basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.* bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.* búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.* campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.* centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.* ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.* compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.* con conocimiento = authoritatively.* con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].* con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].* con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.* con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.* con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].* con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.* con conocimientos en = versed in.* con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.* con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.* conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.* conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.* conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.* conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.* conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.* conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.* conocimiento de base = foundation study.* conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.* conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.* conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.* conocimiento de lengua = language skill.* conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.* conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.* conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.* conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.* conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.* conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.* conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.* conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.* conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.* conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.* conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.* conocimiento humano = human consciousness.* conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.* conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.* conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.* conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.* conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.* conocimiento pleno = awareness.* conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.* conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.* conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].* conocimientos básicos = literacy.* conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.* conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.* conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.* conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.* conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.* conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.* conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.* conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.* conocimientos requeridos = job specs.* conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.* conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.* conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.* con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.* corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.* crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.* cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.* decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.* difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.* director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.* dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.* economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.* economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.* Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.* estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.* examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.* falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.* filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.* fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.* fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.* frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.* fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.* gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).* gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.* hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.* hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.* hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.* hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.* impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.* inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.* ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.* ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.* institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.* intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.* jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).* metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.* navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.* navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.* obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.* ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.* perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.* pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.* personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.* presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.* producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.* profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.* propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.* proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.* quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.* recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.* recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.* red de conocimiento = knowledge network.* servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.* sin conocimiento = unconscious.* sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.* sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.* sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.* sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).* sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.* sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.* Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.* suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.* tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.* toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.* tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.* transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.* utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.* * *1)a) ( saber) knowledgeb) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge2) (frml) ( información)dar conocimiento de algo a alguien — to inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something
pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...
llegar a conocimiento de alguien — to come to somebody's attention o notice (frml)
con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about
3) ( sentido) consciousnessperder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness
4) ( entendimiento)aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand
* * *= cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.Ex: The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.
Ex: SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.Ex: Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.Ex: Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.Ex: Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.Ex: The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.Ex: The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex: It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.Ex: It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.Ex: We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.Ex: The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.Ex: This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.Ex: For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.* actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.* adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.* ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.* ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.* análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.* análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.* aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.* área de conocimiento = area of study.* área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.* aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.* aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.* bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.* basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.* basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.* bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.* búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.* campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.* centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.* ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.* compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.* con conocimiento = authoritatively.* con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].* con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].* con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.* con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.* con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].* con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.* con conocimientos en = versed in.* con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.* con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.* conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.* conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.* conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.* conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.* conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.* conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.* conocimiento de base = foundation study.* conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.* conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.* conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.* conocimiento de lengua = language skill.* conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.* conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.* conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.* conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.* conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.* conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.* conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.* conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.* conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.* conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.* conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.* conocimiento humano = human consciousness.* conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.* conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.* conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.* conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.* conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.* conocimiento pleno = awareness.* conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.* conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.* conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].* conocimientos básicos = literacy.* conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.* conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.* conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.* conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.* conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.* conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.* conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.* conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.* conocimientos requeridos = job specs.* conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.* conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.* conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.* con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.* corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.* crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.* cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.* decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.* difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.* director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.* dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.* economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.* economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.* Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.* estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.* examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.* falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.* filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.* fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.* fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.* frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.* fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.* gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).* gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.* hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.* hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.* hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.* hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.* impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.* inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.* ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.* ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.* institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.* intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.* jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).* metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.* navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.* navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.* obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.* ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.* perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.* pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.* personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.* presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.* producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.* profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.* propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.* proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.* quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.* recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.* recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.* red de conocimiento = knowledge network.* servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.* sin conocimiento = unconscious.* sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.* sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.* sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.* sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).* sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.* sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.* Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.* suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.* tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.* toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.* tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.* transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.* utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.* * *A1 (saber) knowledgetiene algunos conocimientos de inglés he has some knowledge of English, he knows some EnglishB ( frml)(información): dio conocimiento del suceso a las autoridades he informed o ( frml) apprised the authorities of the incidentpuso el hecho en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the incident, she reported the incident to the policepongo en su conocimiento que … ( Corresp) I am writing to inform you that …al tener conocimiento del suceso upon learning of the incident ( frml)a esas horas no se tenía todavía conocimiento de la noticia at that time we/they still had not heard the newsciertas personas tienen conocimiento de sus actividades certain people are aware of her activitiesllegar a conocimiento de algn to come to sb's attention o notice ( frml)con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa ( frml); he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would bete lo digo con conocimiento de causa I know what I'm talking aboutCompuesto:bill of lading, waybillC (sentido) consciousnessperder el conocimiento to lose consciousnesscuando recobró el conocimiento when he regained consciousness, when he came to o roundestar sin conocimiento to be unconsciousD(entendimiento): aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento he's not old enough to understand* * *
conocimiento sustantivo masculino
poner algo en conocimiento de algn to inform sb of sth;
tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of sth
◊ perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness;
estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
conocimiento sustantivo masculino
1 knowledge
2 (conciencia) consciousness
3 conocimientos, knowledge
♦ Locuciones: perder/recobrar el conocimiento, to lose/regain consciousness
con conocimiento de causa, with full knowledge of the facts
' conocimiento' also found in these entries:
- ciencia
- conciencia
- desfallecer
- desvanecerse
- dominio
- error
- orientación
- parcela
- revelar
- sentida
- sentido
- experiencia
- perder
- pérdida
- reanimar
- recobrar
- saber
- air
- black out
- blackout
- cognizance
- come to
- comprehensive
- consciousness
- familiarity
- grounding
- improve
- knock out
- knowledge
- notice
- privy
- recover
- self-awareness
- sketchy
- superficial
- thorough
- unconsciousness
- black
- knock
- know
- pass
* * *conocimiento nm1. [saber] knowledge;hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing;puso el robo en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the burglary;ponemos en su conocimiento que se ha detectado un error en el programa this is to inform you that an error has been detected in the program;no teníamos conocimiento de su dimisión we were not aware that he had resigned;al tener conocimiento del accidente, acudió inmediatamente al hospital when she found out about the accident she immediately went to the hospital;ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy2.conocimientos [nociones] knowledge;tengo algunos conocimientos de informática I have some knowledge of computers, I know a bit about computers;nuestros conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad son muy limitados our knowledge of the disease is very limited, we know very little about the disease3. [sentido, conciencia] consciousness;perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness;recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness;estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor4. [juicio] (common) sense;no tiene todavía conocimiento para saber lo que es peligroso he doesn't yet have a sense of danger* * *m1 knowledge;poner alguien en conocimiento de algo inform s.o. of sth;para su conocimiento for your information;conocimientos pl ( nociones) knowledge sg2 MED consciousness;perder el conocimiento lose consciousness;sin conocimiento unconscious;recobrar el conocimiento regain consciousness* * *conocimiento nm1) : knowledge2) sentido: consciousness* * *1. (en general) knowledge2. (sentido) consciousness
См. также в других словарях:
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